

2022-03-24 来源:个人技术集锦


The following are the reference answers to the paraphrasing of the important (but not all) sentences in the texts.

Lesson 1 (p.13, exercise V.)

1. Right action must promote personal interest.

2. The poor have too many children, of which poverty is the result.

3. The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty because it is caused by the poor themselves, so the rich should not undertake to solve the problem and improve the living situation for the poor.

4. It is the result of the law of the survival of the fittest.

5. Social Darwinism is less welcomed and gradually rejected by people because its glorification of brutal force seems to oppose sympathy, love and friendship which are proposed as the great values in western, civilized society. Thus, one who mentions Social Darwinism is easily criticized by people.

6. The rich never end their effort to find a way to not feel guilty for the existence of the poor. They just stop for a while.

7. The public service employee are honest and effective, but they are seldom overpaid for useless and meaningless work.

8. This highly influential idea is invented and untrue.

9. Belief can be useful in the search for truth. But more often than not if for the purpose to control people or handle situation conveniently, it also can be applied and made to be accepted.

10. George Gilder advocates that suffering is necessary to stimulate the poor to work hard and change their situation. His idea is greatly welcomed.

Lesson 2 (p.27, Exercise V.)

1. But these unfavorable aspects of wild country are greatly attractive to my father.

3. Sometimes, the law officers would make effort but without real earnest to investigate Watson

and bring him to court, but there seemed to be lacking in concrete evidence to prove that he committed certain crimes.

4. The way of Watson’s control over this part of Florida was much similar to that of the

dishonest or illegal activities made by the law-enforcing officials and governors which the people in Florida had experienced in the 20th century.

5. We had plentiful sources for food on the island, and our meals are abundant. Even the meals

enjoyed by King Richard, who was famous for his love for excessive food, couldn’t compare with us.

Lesson 5 (p.72., Exercise V.)

1. As a nation, America has refused to cling to certain rigid principles concerning social and

economic development.

2. We cannot indicate that Americans have been continuously free from ideological temptation. 4. Pragmatism is not completely free from abstract ideas just as ideology is not completely ree from experience. // In pragmatism, abstract ideas are also necessary; seemingly, experience has a role in ideology.

5. But as an ideologist, nowadays Jeffeson’s beliefs are out of date and not concerned with present day reality. If people still show interest in his ideological beliefs, they are just curious about what had happened in history.

6… whose central dogma is put into custody of an priest who claims that he is never wrong.

8. Ideology has the characteristic of a narcotic; even though is has been proved wrong many times by experience, it is still much desired by many people.

10. The most outstanding achievement of humanity is that they know no matter how hard they try, they cannot achieve Absolute Truth, yet they continue to make great efforts and never give up.

Lesson 6 (p.89, exercise V.)

1. The raising of a pig is like a tragedy, because it always ends in the killing of the pig, and the pattern– buying, raising, killing– is strictly followed on most farms.The killing, deliberately planned and carried out skillfully, is the most type of murder. However, whether pigs should end their lives that way has never been questioned.

6. Our procession was a serious and efficient one. Fred, who acted as the pallbearer, walked unsteadily in the back, though he was not qualified for that function. The sorrow of losing a family member was shown clearly in his face. The autopsy of the body’s inwards was done right at the side of the grave. The intestines of the pig were first thrown into the grave, so the pig could lie exactly on those things that caused his death.

7. If a pig dies before he is supposed to, it is a serious matter for the whole community to remember. The whole community would share the sadness for his death.

9. The author and Fred will visit the pig’s grave in the woods to show their love whenever they like, and these days will be like memorial days. The only difference is that the author and Fred will not hoist the national flag as would be the case on the Memorial Day.

Lesson 7 (p.99, exercise V.)

1. As a result of technological development, human beings now have the power to put an end to

poverty and human misery. Simultaneously, the technological development leads to the development of nuclear weapons which have the power to destroy the whole world and make the earth lifeless.

4. We should not let any communist power take advantage of this alliance for progress to expand

its (sphere of) influence.

5. We want to make it clear to the Communist powers that Americas are the Americans of the

Americans. DO not attempt to penetrate into this area.

7.The mutual deterrence has so far prevented the outbreak of a nuclear war. Yet both sides, though alarmed, still attempt to get an edge on the nuclear arms race so as to break the

balance of the power to gain dominance.

8. Politeness is not the embodiment of weakness, and good will has to be proved by action

Lesson Ten (p.147, exercise V.)

1. The image of Saint George appeared on banners, and his name is often mentioned in

politicians’ speeches. He is turned into a symbolic figure representing the nation of England. But John Bull is the tradesman and he delivers the goods we need in daily life while making money at the same time. He is a more realistic and relatively more concrete symbol of typical Englishman.

2. it produces a type whose weight is our of all proportions to its numbers: Public school is the

starting point for a successful life in England. Only a small number of children go to public schools, but their influence is disproportionately great.

5. In this aspect, true love is different from material things such as clay or even gold which can be diveded and taken away. Yet if we share true love, it will never diminish.

6. In order to illustrate his point, the author was taking himself for the moment as an example, assuming the unfamiliar position of self-importance and looking down on others from a dizzy height. But now he would come down from that height and continue to talk about his characteristics of the Englishmen.

9. That kind of criticism is just like Bernard Shaw’s attacks. I’m used to these tricks and jokes as Shaw’s attacks on England. It’s nothing new; they won’t do any harm to me.

10. When they try to be humorous and brush aside criticism, they would titter and guffaw but feel uneasy. Such uncomfortable laughter is a sign of uneasiness.

